05 January, 2008


I've done it, I've bitten the bullet, and ordered a REALLY expensive hand bag! I gave ordered this one:
Celyon Radley bag
Radley went a had a sale, which meant everything that I really liked, went REALLY Cheep, and cos I was too slow, I missed out on a lot of it. The bummer is, I wasn't too worried about the price, cos as they are in pounds, it's really expensive no matter what. Anyway, I quite like this one, it has a Scottie on it and it's on it's was to Jacki in Edinburgh. Radley won't send outside the UK, so I have to get it to got to her, then organise for it to come to me. I might have to send Jack's on a small shopping trip to the royal mile for one thing I really should have bought when I was there, but I was too much of a tight arse. I'm still deciding on that though :) I have my hand bag!! Sort of.


Anonymous said...

but that picture is so small i cant see what it looks like

Louise said...

I can't get a better pic off the site, so here is a link: http://www.radley.co.uk/en-gb/ProductDetails/?cid=RSALE&pid=RHNDCEY&language=en-GB