I am so embarrassed. We had a wedding to go to last night. I had decided to make a skirt to wear. We went to spotlite and brought all the supply's. We cam home, check the start time for the wedding and I got sewing. No dramas, heaps of time. Neil was having a lie down cos of his mad desire to go on the Icicle Ride (a night ride, in winter. Why, I ask you?) I finished the skirt at 10 past 5 (I had started at 4ish), great, just time to get Neil out of bed, get dressed and in the car. Luckily the venue is only 15 mins down the road. We were in the car at around 6, so I was hoping and hoping the ceremony wouldn't start right on the second of one time, like my cousins did. As we were driving I checked the invite again, to see if it gave any sort of indication. This is ever the evening went bad for me.
The wedding was at 5pm, drinks and canapaees were at 6pm, followed by dinner at 7pm. (not as I hurriedly read it weeding at 6 and dinner at 7pm) Fuck.
Fuck......... Fuck.
Really what else can I say?
Note: If you are either of the Happy Couple reading this --> We are soooo sorry. I feel awful and I can't even think of anything to say except sorry. If you can come up with some sort of horrible punishment, please let me know.