16 October, 2014


I am the owner of a lot of scarves, but I always have the problem of how to actually wear them.  I mean there are people out there who are natural fashionistas and they can make a hessian sack look good, but I am not ones of those people. 

A while ago, I found this video. I keep having to find it again on the web, so I have decided to link to if here. I think it is really helpful. 


beesknees said...

hmm, interesting. I am no good at any kind of accessories. whenever I try (hardly ever) I a feel a bit over the top so always just end up with (T-)shirt or jumper, pants or skirt.

Anonymous said...

Love this!!!
as one who owns about 35 scarves

Anonymous said...

Love this!!!
as one who owns about 35 scarves